Possum Removal TipsPossum Removal Tips

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Possum Removal Tips

Hello, my name is Sue, and I’ve just survived a possum problem! A while ago, we had a possum make its home in our roof. While I quite like possums, this one soon got to be a problem, and we knew that we had to get rid of it. I didn’t want to harm the little fella (and I knew that the possum maybe had more rights than we did as a protected species!) so I started talking to pest control specialists about how to catch the possum and have it safely relocated. We then had to make sure that our roof was possum proof to prevent this happening again. I started this blog to pass on some of the stuff we learned about catching and removing possums. If you have an unwanted possum in your home, I hope it helps you work out what to do!

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Do You Have A Termite Problem In Your Home? 3 Ways To Deal With It

There are too many termite treatment alternatives available on the market. Choosing the best option for them is important; however, it may be more difficult given the abundance of options. Even after spending much time attempting one remedy after another, the termite infestation may still need to be completely resolved. It would help if you spoke with experts in termite control to get their opinions on each remedy. Here are the top three treatments that could be effective in your house. Read More 

Why Does A Mess Seem to Attract More Spiders?

It might be a bit of a pastime to impress (or frighten) non-Australian friends with tales of Australian spiders, but not even Australians want those spiders in their homes. Yet somehow those creatures still get in, and it seems the messier the place, the more you might find. There's no magical element in a mess that mysteriously attracts spiders and even if you always have clutter, cleaning up the clutter usually results in fewer spiders. Read More 

Three Important Signs You Need Termite Treatment Services

Termites are incredibly destructive pests and are capable of chewing through wooden structures in and around your property. They are small, making it very difficult to detect their presence until the damage they cause becomes serious. It is essential to recognize the early signs of a termite infestation as a property owner. Here are a few tell-tale signs that indicate you need termite treatment services. Mud Tubes What are mud tubes? Read More 

Why You Need Regular Pest Inspections

Pest inspections can help you to identify and remove pests on your property. But oftentimes, one pest inspection isn't enough to keep pests from becoming a problem. Regular pest inspections are necessary if you want to keep your home pest-free all year round. Regular pest inspections can be beneficial to you in many ways. To identify possible problem areas and entry points Pest inspectors don't just look for pests. They look for the elements that pests need to thrive on your property, such as food, water, and entry points. Read More 

Is It Time For Your Termite Inspection

Termites are the last thing that any homeowner ever wants to have happen to their property, but if you aren't vigilant about these pests then they can creep up and cause a huge issue. You might not even realise that termites inhabit virtually all of Australia, including Tasmania and most of the inhabited islands up and down the coast. There are also a lot more species of termites out there than you think, with well over 300 known about in Australia alone. Read More